We are Celebrating 30 years in 2024!
Click here for a detailed schedule of events with links to locations.
It all kicks off with Friday Night Fireworks, starting at 7 pm. Free hot chocolate and hot dogs! Hopefully, weather conditions will allow us to skate down at the docks.
Be sure to get your Frost Fest Toque at Fisherman’s Hardware or the Penguin Centre. Only $15 to keep your head warm all weekend!
A full day of events will take place on Saturday, including Craft and Vendor Shows; Kids Activities including a face painter, clown and balloon artist; Bingo; Bake Sale; An Amazing Frosty Race; Snow Taffy and more! We will end the night off with a Family Dance featuring DJ Care Daisy Entertainment!
Frost Fest Buttons are back in all local Businesses for only $2.00. Do you know what that means? Great prizes to be won! You can check to see if you won at the Penguin Centre located downstairs at the Firehall all day Saturday.
Sunday, we have a Ball hockey Tournament, the Frost Fest Fun Drive, and we’ll wrap it all up with a Roast Beef dinner!
Be sure to follow the Facebook page for more details about each event! https://www.facebook.com/SeeleysBayFrostFest
Our Online Auction will run again this year from Jan 27th at 4 pm to February 3, ending at 4 pm., and it’s happening on Facebook. All monies raised from this event will be given back to the community!
(The Online Auction Facebook Page will be available after 4 pm on January 27th)
To donate an item, please email seeleysbayfrostfest@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
Proudly Sponsored by the
Seeley’s Bay Lions Club